Here is our current list of classmates we have not yet been able to locate or whose information we have not been able to confirm. We have worked diligently and have found quite a few classmates and are still working on finding more - with your help.
Ideally we would like to retrieve an email address, a phone number, and a current mailing address, but any information you have will be appreciated. If you have any information about these classmates or can help us reach them, please send the information you have to both Laurie Mathews and Mary Lou Soller. Thanks in advance for your help!
NOTE: This list will change, as we find more people or if we realize the contact information we had for some people is out of date. Please keep checking back to help us find as many people as possible.
The following is a list of classmates which have not responded to the email address we have on file. If you can help us make sure we are contacting them at their current address it would be very much appreciated.
Dunn, Jay |
Halstead III, Laurence |
Herdon, Janice (Ribbentrop) |
Hidalgo, David | Knight, Patty | Lisonbee, Roberta |
Mueller, Michael K | Naydock, Renata (Bibb) | Serebrennikov, Mike E |
Tucker, Debbie | Willson, Michael | Wollard, Jennifer (Willis) |