Photo Albums


This and That From Classmates
The Pride of Berkeley

My heirloom Brandywine tomatoes have escaped their cages.
The Pride of Berkeley

Heirloom Brandywines
too many ripening at the same time
Before the pandemic -Craig and Terry 30Jan2020 on Jost van Dyke BVI
Zoom 5 Dec 20
Zoom 2 5 Dec 20
Zoom 3 5 Dec 20
rowing paddleboard on the Oklahoma River- summer 2020 always did want to be on the crew
Fortune Cookie Dont Lie

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The 55th

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Our 50th Reunion, June 4, 2022
More of Our Reunion, June 4, 2022
A Blast from the Past (in no particular order)
Our Prom
10 Year Reunion
45 Year Reunion
20 year reunion
WJHS  67
Memories of 9th grade at Williamsburg Jr. High School.  Photo of the football team that year (1966-1967).
Graduation...June 12, 1970
Ballston NOW, Parkington THEN
Looking down Fairfax Dr. from its intersection with Glebe Rd. towards the Metro station and 2 of the few remaining recognizable landmarks from our high school years.
Central Methodist Church has been there for as long as I can recall.
Taken from intersection of Stafford St and Fairfax Dr
Looking from Stafford St. next to the Methodist Church across Fairfax Dr. toward the IHOP that is tucked away among the high rises and sporting a bit of a facelift.
These storefronts may have all changed business names but building strip still much as it was in the 60s including the Chinese restaurant on far corner. Sits across from Metro Station on Fairfax Dr.
The Ballston Metro station seems to be undergoing some construction.
Front entrance to the Westin Hotel where will will gather on August 21 for our reunion.  It sits between Wilson Blvd and Fairfax Dr on Glebe Rd - approximately where the old Putt-Putt Golf course once stood.
Looking from driveway out of the Westin towards where Bob Peck Chevrolet used to be on right hand side.
At intersection of Wilson Blvd. with Glebe rd. looking at where the Bob Peck Chevrolet dealership once stood, as suggested by the vestigial line of blue diamonds across the glass front of the office building.
This is all that remains of where Hechts used to put various messages up.  It became a Macys and only the concrete squares suggest the old signage - and its quite obscured by a building with a tower where the front parking lot used to be!
Elementary School Class Photos
Craig Sampson's Contributions